Roots Rising CIC

Roots Rising CIC



  • About

Roots Rising CIC – seeks to benefit the community by engaging them in green spaces, by demonstrating resilience and sustainability to communities to combat food poverty, climate crisis and promote wellbeing and by bringing people together to build stronger and healthier communities.

Peverells Community Garden lies in the heart of an estate in Seaford. They are looking for funding to help them towards the goal of being carbon neutral and use renewable resources to ensure the community gardens legacy.

Funding will benefit the volunteers and community who visit the garden and who share the space. It will allow them to recycle their waste and turn it into soil, to capture more rainwater, to be able to learn how to make pallet furniture, to build 3×3 beds the community can take home and grow their own. In this way they hope to create a sharing environment where any surplus food is shared into the community. Renewable resources will allow the garden to mitigate the effects of climate change and teach by example how to reduce carbon footprint at home.